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Jamaal Bowman Israel

A Trip to Israel Changed Jamaal Bowman's World View and Could Cost Him His Reelection

Bowman's Support of Palestinian Rights

Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) has been a vocal critic of Israel's policies towards Palestinians. During a 2021 visit to the West Bank, Bowman met with Palestinian officials and visited refugee camps. He has also called for an end to US military aid to Israel.

Backlash from Jewish Leaders

Bowman's support of Palestinian rights has drawn criticism from Jewish leaders in his district. The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC) has accused Bowman of being "anti-Semitic" and "promoting anti-Israel hate." Bowman has denied these accusations, but the JCRC has called for his defeat in the upcoming primary election.

Primary Challenge from George Latimer

Bowman faces a primary challenge from George Latimer, the current Westchester County Executive. Latimer has criticized Bowman for his support of Palestinian rights, and has pledged to be a "strong supporter of Israel" if elected.

Test of the Party's Views on Israel

The primary election between Bowman and Latimer will be a test of the Democratic Party's views on Israel. Bowman is one of a growing number of Democratic lawmakers who are critical of Israel's policies towards Palestinians. Latimer, on the other hand, is a more traditional pro-Israel Democrat.


The primary election between Bowman and Latimer will be closely watched by both supporters and critics of Israel. The outcome of the election could have implications for the Democratic Party's views on Israel and the future of the US-Israel relationship.
